Rotten Food for Thought – Free SHS: A Promised Solution or a Dangerous Illusion?

The NPP government’s flagship program, Free SHS, has turned out to be a sinking ship.

The scheme was poorly implemented, and has been a topic of concern to well-meaning Ghanaians who appreciate the necessity of quality education.

Considering the fact that the NPP has positioned Free SHS as the answer to every problem in Ghana, it is profoundly callous of them to flop at it woefully.

Concerned about the skyrocketing inflation rate? Have your life earnings been shaved off by the Barber-in-Chief? Have you been unemployed for years despite the claims of 2 million invisible jobs being provided? Can you afford three meals a day anymore? Do you have any problem at all? Hernia, perhaps? Well, HOW ABOUT SOME FREE SHS??? FREE SHS IS THE ANSWER!!!”

Sounds like an NPP campaign ad circa 2016, because that is exactly how they presented the Free SHS scheme to Ghanaians. And we fell for it.

8 years later, we find out that the NPP’s darling scheme scheme that was supposed to be beneficial to the students is secretly poisoning them instead, with contaminated rice.

MP for North Tongu, Hon. Sam Okudzeto Ablakwah, took to social media to reveal some chilling details about expired rice being repackaged and distributed to various school across the country. Below are his posts on X:

That is quite a lot to digest. It must be especially horrifying to have a ward currently in SHS and finding out that the freebie you were grateful for might just as well be the death of your children.

Summarized, expired rice was repackaged, expiry dates were erased and contaminated rice is currently being consumed by some unsuspecting children. All under the watchful eye of members of this government.

Heads should be rolling. But we all know they won’t. Kindly watch the video below

That is what’s being fed to the future leaders of Ghana. This is what the NPP government thinks they deserve. A government that prioritizes politics over people is not a government of the people. We have now been trained to look gift horses in the mouth. Because we all know that there is no free lunch with the NPP.


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