Vote wisely. Sounds like a straightforward and obvious statement. For some reason, these two words have become a trigger to a section of Ghanaians who seem to think it is a jab at their voting choices. But is it?
Voting wisely simply means applying critical thinking in determining who to cast your ballot for. What are the choices that inform one’s decision to give a given political party the power to rule? Critical thinking is not about being critical of your opponents and magnetizing their flaws while blindly glorifying your party of choice.
Being an eligible voter means you have been entrusted with the responsibility of determining your future. Such a decision mustn’t be made lightly.
Critical thinking is not rocket science. It is the foundation of informed decision-making, being applied in this case to voter choices. It is crucial to evaluate information correctly, identify biases, and make good choices. Below are the essential skills you need to apply critical thinking to your voting choices, especially as a first-time voter.
Understanding Critical Thinking
As mentioned earlier, critical thinking is not about finding flaws and criticizing opponents. It is about being adaptable in your choices and reflective and creative in your decision-making. It involves weighing arguments, evaluating the evidence at hand, and considering multiple perspectives. These skills aid in becoming a more informed and engaged citizen—one who doesn’t have a meltdown because someone said something as common sense as “vote wisely.”
In a society where an unfortunate number of voters vote based on long-standing party, and sometimes tribal affiliations, the importance of the application of critical thinking in determining who gets your final vote cannot be overemphasized. How do you know if your voting choice can be considered “wise” and not the result of blind fanatism?
- YOU WEIGH ARGUMENTS: You do not simply swallow every piece of information your favorite politician shoves down your throat. Be mindful of language that seeks to provoke emotions rather than present facts. Verify the facts and evidence to make sure they’re not a sweet-sounding fabrication. You assess their credibility and make sure you’re not getting bamboozled into securing power for the undeserving. Also, be honest about your own biases. Are you only seeking out information that is in line with your existing beliefs? Can you see through information that is presented in a way that leaves it up to interpretation?
- IDENTIFY FAKE NEWS: As a critical voter you should be able to tell fake news, propaganda, and deliberate misinformation. It is easy to get excited when you read news that supports your biases, but you should always dig deeper to ascertain the credibility of information. Some propaganda is obvious and some is more subtle. Take pride in not being easy to fool.
- QUESTION AUTHORITY: In a society where elected officials position themselves as demi-gods and saviors, it is easy to sit by and watch power go unchecked. When authority is left unquestioned, leaders get comfortable with misrepresenting information, trusting a docile citizenry to receive it with little to no scrutiny.
- PROTECT YOUR FREEDOM: Democratic principles and civil liberties must be protected by all. Detect political parties that threaten the rule of law and have a record of stifling voices and discouraging freedom of speech and association.
- ENCOURAGE DISCUSSIONS: Engage in critical conversations with open-minded fellows. Agree to disagree. Prioritize empathy and respectfulness in your dialogues. Know when an argument is straying from the boundaries of reason, and know which fires not to stoke.
Applying Critical Thinking To Your Voting
Here’s how to apply critical thinking to your voting decisions:
- EVALUATE POLICIES: Determine the right candidate to vote for by evaluating their respective policies. How will those policies affect you, your family, and the nation as a whole? How wholistic and realistic are these policies?
- KNOW YOUR VALUES: Understanding the things that matter most to you and your community helps in informing your voting decisions. Your values as a person will determine the ideology you decide to associate with and in turn, have an effect on your decision.
- ANALYZE CREDENTIALS OF CANDIDATES: Research the backgrounds of the respective candidates. Analyze their qualifications and their track records. How have they conducted themselves in public and in private? Are they trustworthy and reliable? Do they have the temperament befitting of a leader? The character of a man is amplified when he is handed power, so it is important to think carefully about the kind of person you want to hand over your power to.
- SEEK OUT DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES: Don’t stick to what you know. Challenge yourself by exposing yourself to different perspectives and always do well to fact-check your information. Engage in civil discourse and listen to opposing views.
- STAY INFORMED: Be abreast with all the current information. Do not end up regretting the vote you cast because you did not have all the information you needed to make an informed decision. An ignorant voter is a threat to democracy.
It’s all fairly straightforward if you’re determined to make the right choices. Your vote is your power, and it is in your best interest to VOTE WISELY on 7th December, for a better Ghana.
Source: theloudlaymen.com
Nice piece of thought provoking articles
Keep it up!!